Marking/marked genes (English)
The En broken gene is responsible for broken coloured rabbits/butterfly’s
There are two genes in this set En -spotting and en-solid colour. En being dominant over en.
There are few different combinations in how this gene can work;
Enen causes normal spotting
enen -Solid colour
EnEn broken - broken aka charlie
If you breed a solid coloured rabbit enen to a broken Enen the probability of broken vs. solids in the litter would be 50/50
However, if you breed a broken Enen to a broken Enen you run the risk of Charlie’s appearing in the litter.
A Charlie, genotype EnEn (broken -broken) is a rabbit with not enough spotting on it, A nearly white rabbit with only a small amount of markings on it and is not a showable colour.
However, a charlie is really good for breeding broken/butterflies. if you breed a Charlie (EnEn)to a solid enen, It will guarantee you a full litter of broken/butterfly’s (Enen).
aa,BB,CC,DD,EE, Enen Broken Black
aa,BB,CC,DD,EE, enen Lilac
aa,BB,CC,DD,EE, Enen Butterfly
aa,BB,CC,DD,EE, EnEn Charlie
The descriptive term (Butterfly)
‘butterfly’ originated from the smut pattern, see the outline of a butterfly (wings and body) in photos above. As far as I’m concerned, if a rabbit has a badly broken butterfly smut that literally means what you are seeing – a broken!
The white strip between the eyes can extend upwards between the crown.
There is a white patch above each eye.
Ears to match body colour
.A small white patch on ears just below crown is allowed.
Body colour
to extend from tip of tail to as near shoulders as possible and to extend down to flanks. No white to be present in general body colour except for the two white spots, one on top of each shoulder.
Frankly, the word ‘spot’ could be misinterpreted (i.e. literally picturing tiny spots ), whereas ‘white patches” would be a fairer, more accurate description.
Lower flanks, feet, chest and entire underside to be white with teat spots permissible.
Front legs white with elbow patches of colour allowed.
These colour leg patches are actually common and naturally occur in the butterfly pattern – preferably seen on both legs as uniformly balanced in position, shape and size.
White toenails.
Categorically applies to all coloured butterfly variations.
Eye colour to be that required for the body colour.
For instance, self-colours having brown eyes, blue-grey eye colour for dilutes, while shaded would naturally also have their ruby red glow.