Patten Gene A - at - a
Within this set there are three types; A (Agouti pattern) at (Tan pattern) and a (self-pattern) with A being dominate followed by the at and finally the most recessive being a the (Self Patten)
A Rabbit can have only two of these sets, remember if there are (AA or atat or aa) they homozygous pairing (homo- meaning the same).
When the genes are not the same, such as A,at, this is called heterozygous pairing (hetero- meaning different). So in simple terms, a rabbit can be an Agouti A but can carry the at gene, but the A being dominate you will only see the agouti pattern in the rabbit.
Click on the image to link to a more comprehensive explaination of that gene type.
Wild Patten Gene (Agouti)
The Agouti pattern is the wild rabbit pattern.
Click on gene link for more information
Tan Patten Gene
The Tan pattern is simlar to the the wild rabbit pattern.
Click on gene link for more information
Self Gene
The selfi pattern is a rabbit with no banding or patterns so is all one colour.
Click on gene link for more information